Laurie Ingram Sibley

Stories Full of Love and Laughter

Flash Fiction

a whole story in a thousand words

Flash fiction is a short-short story. Different types range from 5 to 1,000 words. Each flash fiction is a complete story with all the regular elements of plot, conflict, and characters. It’s just brief. 

Flash-fiction writer Angela Jane Fountas compares flash fiction to a novel: “It’s like eating a tiny chocolate truffle instead of a 10-course meal—it’s satisfying. But it’s a different kind of satisfaction.”

 Petting Zoo Promise

I had so much fun writing this story. The button incident really happened to me on a field trip to a petting zoo as a child. And I have to credit Mel’s Faux Farm for showing me what happens when you scratch a pig’s belly.

Dinner for Three

This story was a fun surprise. I started off writing about Jonathan cooking spaghetti, and all of a sudden Parker walked onto the page and sat down for dinner!

Perfect Timing

Fall is my favorite season and it’s a setting rich for all your senses to enjoy, which made this theme especially appealing. This was my first attempt at writing flash fiction, but it won’t be my last!

Jellyfish and Mermaids

My local ACFW chapter took a writers’ retreat to the beach, and I was supposed to be working on my novel. But the sound of the waves and the smell of the ocean hijacked my imagination and this story just spilled out.